IQ Equipment by HMF
HMF has been manufacturing after market exhaust systems for the Offroad Industry for over 15 years. Our experience working hands-on with the riders give us an edge in the development of new products. We have the resources to test these products at their highest level, allowing us to tweak and modify our engineering to exact specifications.
We’ve been hard at work branching the HMF name and philosophy to a new venue of Offroad Racing Parts, leading to the development of our new IQ Equipment lineup. IQ, or intelligent Quality, uses real time race experience as the foundation for engineering parts developed towards more what the rider needs.
The Brand New IQ Equipment system features a complete Nerf Bar system with front and rear bumpers as a complete defense system for the terrain. These products are built and designed to work flawlessly with each machine, allowing the rider to concentrate on the task at hand.
The Nerf System
A strong nerf system on your quad is not a luxury, it is a necessity. The Race Season is long, and you need your Nerf System to perform and last throughout the year. The IQ Nerf System offers a solid foundation for the entire race season.
IQ Front Bumper
It’s Offroad Racing. When you ride hard, you take risks. Often times, those risks turn into a face full of tree.s Your front bumper needs to take a punishment and react to the impact to protect you.
IQ Grab Bar
It’s not reinventing the wheel, it’s just enhanching a simple function. When you’re stuck in the mud and need a pull, you don’t want your grab bar to break. The IQ Grab Bar is reliable and does the job.