Yamaha ATV Pro Racers Weigh in on 2012 GNCC Season
Taylor Kiser Question: Congratulations on the big win at Steele Creek. Is there something in particular that you can point to that put you over the top?
TK Response: Thanks! I really can’t point to one thing that put me over the top. I have had a strong group of supporters behind me keeping me motivated. The YFZ450R has been working great, and everything is starting to come together!
Taylor Kiser Question: You’ve been working with Bill Ballance for a couple of years now. What’s the best part of being on Ballance racing?
TK Response: Working with Bill is great! He is by far the best suspension guy in the business. He is always coming up with new ideas to improve our race quads. I can go to the line week in and week out knowing that I am on the best set-up equipment out there.
Taylor Kiser Question: Some might argue that you and Walker make up the toughest team on the tour. Do you guys spend a lot of time training together? Do you have a friendly competition or is it every man for him self?
This winter was really the first time that Walker and I have spent any time together. He came down and lived at my place in Florida for the winter. I felt like it was a tremendous help to both of our programs for him to come down. He lives in Ohio, so we don’t get a chance to ride that much together during the season, but whenever we have the chance, I definitely enjoy training with Walker. We have a pretty friendly competition. Whenever we can get together on the track, I feel like it is a benefit to both of us, because you have someone there you are comfortable riding with, and you know will help push you!